

Friday, 25 November 2011

The C++ Tutorial Welcome to! is a totally free website devoted to teaching you to program in C++. Whether you’ve had any prior experience programming or not, the tutorials on this site will walk you through all the steps you’ll need to know in order to create and compile your programs. Becoming an expert programmer won’t happen overnight, but with a little patience, you’ll get there. And will show you the way.

Chapter 0Introduction / Getting Started0.1Introduction to these tutorials0.2Introduction to programming languages0.3Introduction to C/C++0.4Introduction to development0.5Installing an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)0.6Compiling your first program0.7A few common C++ problems Chapter 1C++ Basics1.1Structure of a program1.2Comments1.3A first look at variables (and cin)1.4A first look at functions1.5A first look at operators1.6Whitespace and basic formatting1.7Forward declarations1.8Programs with multiple files1.9Header files1.10A first look at the preprocessor1.10aHow to design your first programs1.11Comprehensive quiz Chapter 2Variables Part I2.1Basic addressing and variable declaration2.2Keywords and naming identifiers2.3Variable sizes and the sizeof operator2.4Integers2.5Floating point numbers2.6Boolean Values2.7Chars2.8Constants2.9Hungarian Notation2.10Comprehensive quiz Chapter 3Operators3.1Precedence and associativity3.2Arithmetic operators3.3Increment/decrement operators, and side effects3.4Sizeof, comma, and arithmetic if operators3.5Relational operators (comparisons)3.6Logical operators3.7Converting between binary and decimal3.8Bitwise operators3.xComprehensive quiz Chapter 4Variables Part II4.1Blocks (compound statements) and local variables4.2Global variables (and why they are evil)4.3File scope and the static keyword4.4Type conversion and casting4.5Enumerated types4.6Typedefs4.7Structs Chapter 5Control Flow5.1Control flow introduction5.2If statements5.3Switch statements5.4Goto statements5.5While statements5.6Do while statements5.7For statements5.8Break and continue5.9Random number generation Chapter 6Arrays, Strings, Pointers, and References6.1Arrays (Part I)6.2Arrays (Part II)6.3Arrays and loops6.4Sorting an array using selection sort6.5Multidimensional arrays6.6C-style strings6.7Introduction to pointers6.8Pointers, arrays, and pointer arithmetic6.9Dynamic memory allocation with new and delete6.10Pointers and const6.11References6.12References vs pointers, and member selection6.13Void pointers Chapter 7Functions7.1Function parameters and arguments7.2Passing arguments by value7.3Passing arguments by reference7.4Passing arguments by address7.4aReturning values by value, reference, and address7.5Inline functions7.6Function overloading7.7Default parameters7.8Function pointers7.9The stack and the heap7.10Recursion7.11Namespaces7.12Handling errors (assert, cerr, exit, and exceptions)7.13Command line arguments7.14Ellipses (and why to avoid them) Chapter 8Basic object-oriented programming8.1Welcome to object-oriented programming8.2Classes and class members8.3Public vs private access specifiers8.4Access functions and encapsulation8.5Constructors8.6Destructors8.7The hidden “this” pointer8.8Constructors (Part II)8.9Class code and header files8.10Const class objects and member functions8.11Static member variables8.12Static member functions8.13Friend functions and classes8.14Anonymous variables and objects Chapter 9Operator overloading9.1Introduction to operator overloading9.2Overloading the arithmetic operators9.3Overloading the I/O operators9.4Overloading the comparison operators9.5Overloading unary operators +, -, and !9.6Overloading operators using member functions9.7Overloading the increment and decrement operators9.8Overloading the subscript operator9.9Overloading the parenthesis operator9.10Overloading typecasts9.11The copy constructor and overloading the assignment operator9.12Shallow vs. deep copying Chapter 10Composition10.1Constructor initialization lists10.2Composition10.3Aggregation10.4Container classes Chapter 11Inheritance11.1Introduction to inheritance11.2Basic inheritance in C++11.3Order of construction of derived classes11.4Constructors and initialization of derived classes11.5Inheritance and access specifiers11.6Adding, changing, and hiding members in a derived class11.7Multiple inheritance11.8Virtual base classes Chapter 12Virtual Functions12.1Pointers and references to the base class of derived objects12.2Virtual functions12.3Virtual destructors, virtual assignment, and overriding virtualization12.4Early binding and late binding12.5The virtual table12.6Pure virtual functions, abstract base classes, and interface classes Chapter 13Input and output (I/O)13.1Input and output (I/O) streams13.2Input with istream13.3Output with ostream and ios13.4Stream classes for strings13.5Stream states and input validation13.6Basic file I/O13.7Random file I/O Chapter 14Templates14.1Function templates14.2Function template instances14.3Template classes14.4Expression parameters and template specialization14.5Class template specialization14.6Partial template specialization Chapter 15Exceptions15.1The need for exceptions15.2Basic exception handling15.3Exceptions, functions, and stack unwinding15.4Uncaught exceptions, catch-all handlers, and exception specifiers15.5Exceptions, classes, and inheritance15.6Exception dangers and downsides Chapter 16The Standard Template Library16.1The Standard Template Library (STL)16.2STL containers overview16.3STL iterators overview16.4STL algorithms overview Chapter 17std::string17.1std::string and std::wstring17.2std::string construction and destruction17.3std::string length and capacity17.4std::string character access and conversion to C-style arrays17.5std::string assignment and swapping17.6std::string appending17.7std::string inserting Appendix AMiscellaneous SubjectsA.1Static and dynamic librariesA.2Using libraries with Visual Studio Express 2005A.3Using libraries with Code::BlocksA.4Debugging your program (stepping and breakpoints)A.5Debugging your program (watching variables and the call stack)

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